How to Buy Sex Toys with Safety in Mind
Most people who buy sex toys forget to consider safety. These items are made of a whole range of materials, and not all of them are safe for the human body.
Among the most important concerns when buying safe sex toys is porosity. This indicates how absorbent or porous a material is. High porosity indicates there is more room for bacterial entry and growth. A porous sex toy is like a sponge that sucks in bacteria. Sterilization is not possible with these toys, so they must be used with condoms all the time, especially when they are shared between partners. A non-porous toy, on the other hand, has a smooth, solid surface that will not harbor bacteria. What’s great about non-porous toys is that they can be sterilized just by boiling them in water or putting them in the dishwasher. In any case, you should always clean your toys regularly.
The safety of a sex toy is also significantly dependent on its chemical composition. Some chemicals used may cause rashes, itching and burning, along with tissue damage. For instance, phthalates are often used in making sex toys so they become squishier, softer and overall more flexible. According to the EPA, plasticizers can cause cancer in humans, along with different neurological and reproductive problems. Their safety issues are hotly debated in various parts of the world, and they have even been banned in many countries while more research is being conducted.
Another point to remember is that sex toys are still not regulated. Thus, there are no safety precautions that manufacturers have to observe. That’s why sex toys are labeled “novelty.” If you want to protect yourself, it is your responsibility to research to know which brands and products are safe.
The best way to buy safe sex toys is to stick to products made by trusted manufacturers. But because these products make use of medical grade materials, they are also obviously more expensive. Online, there are plenty of websites that sell first-class, medical grade sex toys, but of course, you have to be careful choosing which one to buy from. Again, do your research and don’t be so quick to fall for attractive offers. There are reasons some sex toys are cheap, and they are not reasons you’d like to gamble with. If it gives you health issues, no amount of sexual pleasure is worth it. As mentioned earlier, this truth couldn’t be more glaring for those who share their toys with their sex partners.
Lastly, be sure to buy from a sex toy store that is safe for your financial details. The checkout page of the website you buy from must be secured.
Source: adult toy stores